Human Resource Development within Public Administration: Civil Servants' Capacity Building-Reskilling towards an Ethical Behavior and an Effective Daily Practice in PA


  • Nikos Papadakis Deputy Director of the Centre for Political Research and Documentation Department of Political Science University of Crete former Special Adviser to the European Commission


HRD, Public Administration, Capacity Building, Ethics


The paper deals with the role of HRD in Public Sector capacity, while exploring the contribution of civil servants' capacity building- reskilling on the development of an ethical behavior and an effective daily practice in PA. It initially raises definitional issues concerning the relationship among governance quality, public sector efficiency, HRD and capacity building in PA, taking into account cross country analysis and comparative studies’ findings. It focuses on the Competency Management (CM), in order to present and analyze the new trends towards the competence-based HRM & HRD approach (within the context of  NPM), which is  developing worldwide, due to the transition from the rather legalistic administrative tradition ending in the “classical career model†to more flexible modes of administration responding to the increased complexity of institutions and ending in “hybrid†(in terms of Demmke, Henökl, and Moilanen ) models and patterns of  HR Systems in PA . Within this context, it synopsizes the requirements and determinants of this approach, given the divergences and convergences in different national cases. Issues of needs-in skills-assessment, competences’ clustering and typologies, levels of centralization/ decentralization, training modularization and impact assessment, training plans’ development, capacity building’s relation to the overlapping perspectives in PA are raised and analyzed, in order

a) to proceed in an evidence-based proposed methodological strategy, providing an holistic framework for Civil Servants’ Competence-based HRD & Training and

b) to investigate the role of the abovementioned competence-based perspective in enhancing ethical behavior, via the mainstreaming of the value- judged rules and mainly the development of a “collective ethos†that can be easily individualized.

The key findings of the paper, is that a competence-based capacity building can substantially support and facilitate institutional building, while increasing the overall Public Sector (Administrative) Capacity.


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How to Cite

Human Resource Development within Public Administration: Civil Servants’ Capacity Building-Reskilling towards an Ethical Behavior and an Effective Daily Practice in PA. (2015). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(6).

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