
  • R. Cecep Eka Permana Universitas Indonesia
  • Karina Arfin
  • Ingrid H. E. Pojoh


hand stencil/print image, prehistoric caves, mabedda bola, ethnoarchaeology.


Hand stencil is one kind of prehistoric human cave culture found all over the world, including Indonesia. In South Sulawesi numbers of prehistoric caves are found within the region of Maros, Pangkep, and Bone, and more than thousand of hand print images are discovered. It is interesting to find that people in that area are still practicing hand print stamping when housewarming their traditional house. This rite ceremony is called mabedda bola (“powdering the houseâ€) and is meant as disaster repellent so the people who dwell in the house would safe. This research show how ethnoarchaeology approach throw light on interpreting the function and meaning of prehistoric hand stencil in South Sulawesi.



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How to Cite

ETHNOARCHAEOLOGY OF PREHISTORIC CAVE HAND STENCILS IN SOUTH SULAWESI. (2015). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(2).

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