Fusion in Multicultural Societies: Chifa food as a Means of Spreading Chinese Culture in the Hispanic World


  • Hugo Capella Miternique Universidad de Concepción, Chile


gastronomy, spread, trans-culture, Lima


In this case study, we will analyse the case of "Chifa" food, as a curious example showing the creation of a mixed cuisine, a fusion of Cantonese and Peruvian traditions. Firstly, we will focus on understanding the origin of  cultural blending. Secondly, we will investigate further so as to on the one hand recognise the elements of this cultural fusion; on the other hand, we will pay attention to the creation of a gastronomic tradition that went unnoticed under the generic term "Chinese food". Finally, we will notice that the success of the spread of Chifa food is not only the result of a great adaption but it also  starts to be recognised as a cuisine by itself, in Peru and abroad.

Author Biography

  • Hugo Capella Miternique, Universidad de Concepción, Chile


    Geography Dept.


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How to Cite

Fusion in Multicultural Societies: Chifa food as a Means of Spreading Chinese Culture in the Hispanic World. (2014). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJHSS/article/view/1690

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