Applying Tabu Search Optimisation in Zone Distribution System Reconfiguration A Stochastic Model


  • Rana A. Abttan Computer Techniques Engineering Department, Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Maad M. Mijwil Computer Techniques Engineering Department, Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, Baghdad, Iraq



Tabu search, Network topology, Stochastic model, Optimisation, Distribution system


The main idea in the distribution system is to reconfigure the network and to change the sectionalizing switches' state to reduce power loss and maintain system stability. In network reconfiguration, a key role is to find the appropriate network topology that does have the lowest losses during any conditions present within the network. Reliability, security, and system operating limitations are the most significant parts of the network reconfiguration that are suitable. In the work, the authors suggested to apply Tabu search optimisation technique to solve the problem of network reorganisation in the distribution system by creating a stochastic model of a virtual zone based on data prepared in a previous study by the first author. The stochastic model consists of four feeders and 106 buses. The validity of the suggested technique is verified by relying on standard practices and its ability to establish a correct network topology in the system distribution. This investigation determines that the suggested technique is excellently suitable for creating a virtual zone network and can be applied in reality.

Author Biography

  • Maad M. Mijwil, Computer Techniques Engineering Department, Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, Baghdad, Iraq

    Maad M. Mijwil received B.Sc. degree in Software Engineering from Software Engineering Department at Baghdad College of Economics Sciences University, Iraq in 2008/2009 and M.Sc. degree in Wireless sensor network of computer science from University of Baghdad, Iraq in 2015. Currently he is working Assistant Lecturer at Baghdad College of Economics Sciences University.


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How to Cite

Applying Tabu Search Optimisation in Zone Distribution System Reconfiguration A Stochastic Model. (2021). Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 9(2).

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