Optical and Electrical Performance Analysis of InGaAs/InP Laser for Various Crystal Orientations


  • Marwa M. Ismaeel Computer Techniques Engineering Department, Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Maad M. Mijwil Computer Techniques Engineering Department, Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, Baghdad, Iraq




QW-VCSEL, Optic-fiber communication, Crystal orientation, Hamiltonian matrix


The optoelectronic achievement of a lattice matching InGaAs/InP lateral cavity surface radiating LASER in crystal orientations (100), (110), (111), (113), and (131) is computationally simulated utilising MATLAB by attempting to solve a k.p Hamiltonian of eight-band utilising only a finite difference strategy with spin-orbit linkage. To shift wave-vector k as well as Hamiltonian from traditional (100) plane orientation, tensor plane revolution equations are used. It is demonstrated that optical emission spectrum and crystal plane alignments have a significant correlation. At a carriers injection density of 2.50 x 1018 per cm3, the maximum and minimum gains are measured in the (111) as well as (100) orientations, respectively, with optimum emission wavelengths of 1770.00nm and 1680.00nm. This research will serve as a catalyst for the development of ultra-fast optoelectronic devices with improved performance thanks to the use of non-100 orientation epitaxial layers.


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How to Cite

Optical and Electrical Performance Analysis of InGaAs/InP Laser for Various Crystal Orientations. (2022). Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajet.v10i1.6925

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