Spanish Flu (Great Influenza) 1918: The Tale of The Most deadly Pandemic in History
Spanish flu, Pandemic, Epidemic, Influenza, COVID-19, United States of AmericaAbstract
The epidemic is an imminent danger that all humans fear, as it does not differentiate between anyone, whether small or old, rich or poor. It is characterized by its ability and super speed to conquer the world and its primary goal is to target humans and eradicate their lives. In this article, the authors decided to provide a brief historical overview of the Spanish flu pandemic, where it initiated and how it influenced the people of the earth and review a set of images about events that occurred in the United States of America in 1918. All facts in this article are collected from a group of published articles on websites. This article found that the Spanish flu is one of the deadliest diseases in human history, as it managed to kill 40 to 100 million people around the world in two years.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maad M. Mijwil, Abdel-Hameed Al-Mistarehi , Deeb Jamil Zahran, Safwan Alomari, Ruchi Doshi

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