A Critique of Modern Sport: Issues in Brazilian and North American Realities


  • Antonio Jose Müller FURB - Univerisdade Regional de Blumenau


Sports, Society, Education


This study presents a discussion of the importance of sport at the present time. The intention of the paper is to compare sport and its influence in society, especially in education, under the theoretical perspective of Paulo Freire. Compares situations of sport in Brazil and the United States in relation to social inequalities in each reality. The reproduction of social inequalities is present in sport through the power of racial discrimination, men over women, and privileged over underprivileged.  For the purpose of this research I explore these three important issues as defined by: Whiteness, Patriarchalism, and Capitalism.

Author Biography

  • Antonio Jose Müller, FURB - Univerisdade Regional de Blumenau
    professor in graduate and undergraduation in education and physical education. doctor in education from university of texas at el paso


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How to Cite

A Critique of Modern Sport: Issues in Brazilian and North American Realities. (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(6). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/5036

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