Innovation in Uruguay: New Perspectives on Public Policies and Education


  • Ivonaldo Leite Federal University of Paraíba



This paper aims to present a general perspective of the actions developed by the Uruguayan Broad Front, which has been defined as an example of reformed left in Latin America. The Broad Front has governed Uruguay since 2005 and has implemented several alternative and innovative policies. Methodologically, the paper is empirically supported by data and information derived of interviews conducted in Montevideo, as well of the analysis of official documents.  Among the results found out, it can be highlighting the following sample: 1) innovative programmes focused on most disadvantaged young children and their families like Uruguay Crece Contigo [Uruguay grows with you] have been successfully put in place and scaled up; 2) the institution of the Salary Councils (tripartite councils made up of government representatives, businesses and workers) stimulated the formalization of work and the rise in salaries, as well as the strengthening  of unions; 3) the creation of the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) as a new centralized social authority, which shares jurisdiction with the Social Security Bank (BPS) and the Ministry of Health; 4) in the face of the failure of the so-called drug war, the regulation of the cannabis market was approved during the term of President José Mujica. Conclusively, it’s affirmed, for instance, that the Broad Front perspectives and the policies it has implemented in Uruguay have instituted a new conception of the left in Latin America.

Author Biography

  • Ivonaldo Leite, Federal University of Paraíba
    Center for Applied Science and Education


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How to Cite

Innovation in Uruguay: New Perspectives on Public Policies and Education. (2019). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(1).