Evaluation of Drug-Related Problems in Ischemic Stroke Patients Undergoing Inpatients at the National Brain Center Hospital (RSPON) in 2018


  • Tati Suprapti Poltekkes Jakarta II
  • Gloria Murtini
  • Masfiah




— Ischemic Stroke, PON Hospital, Drug- related Problems


Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease that is increasingly found. Stroke carries a high risk of death. Victims can reverse vision and /or talk, paralysis, and confusion.1 In Indonesia, around 550,000 new stroke patients every year. This figure is considered to be very high and ranks third as the cause of death in Indonesia, after cardiovascular and cancer.2 Many factors can cause stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol levels, so treatment is needed for more complicated drug therapy to deal with stroke and its associated diseases.3 The more complex the drug, the more challenging the doctor to receive the right drug therapy. Therefore, in clinical practice, various drug-related problems can increase.4,5 Therefore, identifying DRP is an important priority for health professionals to improve health-related quality of life in stroke patients.6,7

OBJECTIVEEvaluating drug-related problems in ischemic stroke patients undergoing hospitalization at the National Brain Center Hospital (PON) in 2018

METHODNon-experimental research with quantitative descriptive analysis using medical records of inpatient ischemic stroke patients.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS174 male ischemic stroke patients (69.32%); 77 female patients (30.68%); The age of most ischemic stroke patients was in the range of 50 -59 years 85 patients (33.86%); and the least was at the age of <40 years; 7 people (2.79%); Most types of JKN insurance financing were used by 220 people (87.64%) at least 1 patient was guaranteed by the company (0.40%); The longest stay in the hospital was 60 days for a maximum of 1 person (0.40%) and the shortest was 3-10 days for 225 people (89.64%); The most prescribed number of drug items was 70-80 items per person (0,40%) and the least was 5 to 10 drug items received by 60 patients (23,90%); Most comorbidities were hypertension + dyslipidemia 83 patients (33.03%) and the least was hypertension 5 people (1.98%); The most prescribed group of drugs was 468 prescribing (13.81%) drugs which affecting the blood clotting process, and the least prescription antibiotic medications was 122 times (3.63%); Medication errors, were the most given drugs, with a very large dose of 13 times (43.33%) and the least wrong drug; wrong dose; wrong dosage form; and the wrong frequency for each  was 1 case (3.3%); Drug interactions which had the most moderate criteria were 1313 cases.



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How to Cite

Evaluation of Drug-Related Problems in Ischemic Stroke Patients Undergoing Inpatients at the National Brain Center Hospital (RSPON) in 2018. (2020). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(5). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajas.v8i5.6347

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