Relationship and Nurse Perception about the Leadership of Hospital Director towards Nurses Work Satisfaction at In-patient Installation Ratu Zalecha Hospital, Maratapura


  • Syamsul Arifin
  • Adenan, Khairunnisa Public Health Department Lambung Mangkurat University


human resource management, motivation, leadership and job satisfaction


Successful hospital is a hospital that is capable of managing human resources, the results of the interviews 45% of nurses said lack of respect, recognition and working conditions they are very delicate and extra responsiveness that sometimes arises feeling lazy at work. Methods of observational analytic study using cross sectional approach. The study population was all paramedics in the number of inpatient sample of 163 nurses using sampling totality. The research instrument was a questionnaire and Analyzed using the chi-square test (α = 0.05). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between motivation on the job satisfaction of nurses (p-value = 0.000), and there is a relationship between perceptions of leadership on job satisfaction of nurses (p-value = 0.020). Suggestion is expected to Ratu Zalecha Martapura's hospital for maintain and improve human resource management especially through work motivation, leadership and job satisfaction in order to improve the performance and productivity of nurses that can be done through education, coaching, training and supervision

Author Biography

  • Adenan, Khairunnisa, Public Health Department Lambung Mangkurat University
    My Name is Andini Octaviana PutrI, I came from Indonesia. Now, I'm a young lecture in Public Health Department Lambung Mangkurat University


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How to Cite

Relationship and Nurse Perception about the Leadership of Hospital Director towards Nurses Work Satisfaction at In-patient Installation Ratu Zalecha Hospital, Maratapura. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(3).

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