HAZOP Study and Layer of Protection Analysis Based Fuzzy System at Oil Distribution Unit, Surabaya- East Java


  • Ali Musyafa Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS Keputih Sukolilo, Surabaya,
  • Revina S. K. Pradana Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology Kampus ITS, Jl.A.R. Hakim, Surabaya
  • Imam Abadi Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology Kampus ITS, Jl.A.R. Hakim, Surabaya
  • Bambang Lelono Widjiantoro Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology Kampus ITS, Jl.A.R. Hakim, Surabaya


Hazop, fuel distribution, risk assessment, SIL, FLOPA


The oil industry has an important role in sustaining community life. Green environment and zero accident will affect the environmental balance and sustainable development. The balance of the built environment to maintain the fuel supply system so it does not paralyze the transport system and community activities. It is closely related to the operational activities in the process of distribution of fuel oil (BBM) from the tanker to the charging on cars where the oil distribution impacts of high risk such as fire, explosion, leakage, and oil spills. Risk identification is done based LOP (Layer of Protection Analysis) A to display the value (SIL) Safety Integrity Level on several scenarios. SIL calculation encourages economic impact analysis based on modern software. Fuzzy systems are applied in the risk assessment on the fuel distribution system with multiple inputs that are reviewed from several aspects to produce output that is easily understood and reliable. (FLOPA) Fuzzy Layer of Protection Analysis appropriately used as expert-based risk assessment methods that show layers of protection are qualitatively and quantitatively. Rule base-based expert system used in FLOPA. The linkage between risk impacts on the level of Safety Integrity Level is known as a firm step in preventing environmental pollution. Probability economic impact FLOPA system used by management for decision making big impact on the economic resilience of the company and the needs of society. Evaluation is the guarantor of systems, assets, environment, and safe reputation for companies and governments for the creation of sustainable development so that environmental and green city as well as the economic sector to be smooth. This is evidenced by the rating node SIL 1 to 3, i.e. NO SIL, SIL 0, and SIL 1. In addition the results FLOPA economic impact on node 2 to 3 overall medium categories with total losses / year in the range of US $ 10,000 - US $ 100,000.


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How to Cite

HAZOP Study and Layer of Protection Analysis Based Fuzzy System at Oil Distribution Unit, Surabaya- East Java. (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(4). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/4916

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