An Evolution of Risk Assessment Tools in Petrol Station: A Review


  • Mohd Shamsuri Khalid MJIIT-Malaysia-Japan Institute of International Technology.
  • Ahmad Rahman Songip MJIIT-Malaysia-Japan Institute of International Technology.
  • Nooh Abu Bakar MJIIT-Malaysia-Japan Institute of International Technology.


Keyword, Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Mitigation, Petrol Station.


Risk assessment was introduce as a vital tool in decision making in quantify risk in many industries in the world since early 1930s due to disaster or catastrophic accidents accursed in those days including in World War II. However the risk methodology has been undergone an evolution every day. In the 21st century, the complexity and uncertainty of the accident become more prominent and repetitive so the need of research on the complexity and uncertainty of accident must be closely monitor and study of the root cause of the accident to minimise the magnitude of the risk. There are many researchers on the risk assessment on the major installation such as chemical plant, nuclear plant, transportation and major hazard installation but fewer on the non major hazard installation. Early methodology of Probabilistic of safety Assesment(PSA) has been introduce to nuclear plant due to criticality of the plant which involved high chemical substances like uranium. PSA has been manipulated and modify to the chemical industry by adopting Reactor Safety Analysis (RSA) which is actually using the element in the PSA. In 1980s then the industry adjusting and introduce more integrated methodology of Risk management involving 3 part ; 1. Hazard Identification 2; Risk Assessment 3; Risk Mitigation. However, there is no specific methodology that been used and introduced in non major hazard installation such as petrol station cause of the chemical substances in the station is below then the threshold limit according to requirement. Thus, the evolution of risk assessment in the chemical installation must be evaluated and effectiveness of the methodology in various industry. In this review, the potential simplify risk assessment for the petrol station which category as non major hazard will be classified the best model of risk assessment and discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Mohd Shamsuri Khalid, MJIIT-Malaysia-Japan Institute of International Technology.
    Postgraduate Student.
  • Ahmad Rahman Songip, MJIIT-Malaysia-Japan Institute of International Technology.



  • Nooh Abu Bakar, MJIIT-Malaysia-Japan Institute of International Technology.







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How to Cite

An Evolution of Risk Assessment Tools in Petrol Station: A Review. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(4).

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