Production of Antibodies Specific to an Egyptian Isolate of Potato Virus Y (PVY)


  • Hatem El Mahdy Botany Department, Faculty of science, Cairo University, Cairo
  • Sayed Abd El Salam


PVY, Detection, ELISA


We are reporting here serological tool for detection and identification of a PVY isolate. For the virus isolate detection a number of 3 potato plants (Solanun tuberosum L.) exhibiting rolling, necrotic local lesions and faint mosaic symptoms were collected from three different locations from open fields near Giza city, Egypt in order to detect the presence of PVY, PVX and PLRV for indirect DAS-ELISA test. IgG specific to the viral isolate labeled with alkaline phosphatase was raised. The prepared IgG showed specificity for the virus isolate and there is no serological relationship corresponding to PLRV and PVX.


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How to Cite

Production of Antibodies Specific to an Egyptian Isolate of Potato Virus Y (PVY). (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(2).

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