Assessment of Stabilized Dredged Sediments using Portland Cement for Geotechnical Engineering Applications along Hurghada Coast, Red Sea, Egypt


  • A. El-Shinawi Zagazig university, faculty of science
  • V. Kramarenko


Dredged sediments, soil cement, stabilization, Portland cement, unconfined compressive strength, CBR


This paper presents details of a study that deals with determination of physical, mechanical and geotechnical properties of dredged sediments used in reclamation projects along Hurghada coast, Red Sea, Egypt. Petrographically, the collected dredged sediments are differentiated into two quartz arenite and quartz wacke.Authigenic clay minerals are uncommon in such sediments. Kaolinite is the main mineral with subordinate illite and rare chlorite. In addition, a series of laboratory tests are conducted on thirty two soil samples to assess such sediments when it is stabilized by a cement additive. Here, essential laboratory tests on the overall soil properties including grain size distribution, liquid limit, plastic limit, compaction at the modified level, CBR and unconfined compressionindicates that the dredged sedimentsare considered desirable for Portland cement stabilization. Compressibility results indicate that it is possible to improve the soil strength at different binder content for each cement concentration and curing time. Taking into account increasing of cement percentage and the length of time curing, the soil strength of the collected dredged samples were improved. Accordingly, the stabilization with Portland cement can improve the geotechnical dredged sediments along Hurghada coast. Further, utilization of stabilized dredged sediments can be used for various utilities such as brick industry, roof-tile, and concrete brick and as subgrade of road pavement.

Author Biography

  • A. El-Shinawi, Zagazig university, faculty of science
    geology department


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How to Cite

Assessment of Stabilized Dredged Sediments using Portland Cement for Geotechnical Engineering Applications along Hurghada Coast, Red Sea, Egypt. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5).

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