Physical and Mechanical Properties of Medium Density Fiberboard Made of Palm Fronds and Trunks


  • Mohammed A. Jaber
  • Kadhim J. Hammadi Basra University
  • Alyaa A. Abdul Karem
  • M. Abd-Alrazak


Date palm trunk, date palm fronds, date palm petiole, date palm research center


The current study was conducted in both date palm research center and polymers research center / Basrah University during the period 2015-2016 . the result showed that the average length of female trunk fibers ranging between (716 -879) micrometer and its diameter (22.4-22.7) micrometer . The study also showed that the average length and fiber diameter of petiole (leaf base ) and rachis of three cultivars ( Kadrawi ,Zahdi and Sayer ) were not significantly differ and ranging between ( 1010- 1258) micrometer and (14.2-22.6) micrometer respectively. This study also include preparation of medium density fiber board( MDF) made of palm frond and trunk fibers. The flexural strength reach 3.5 Mp and compressive strength reach 6.6 Mp This study also revealed that Bending strength and compressive strength of boards are depending on the ratio of cement added .the physical properties are improved by additive the cement, therefor we can used the cement with the (poly vinylestate and polol ) to improved water absorption and thickness swelling of board. MDF density are about 250-710 Kg/m3. The bending test are about 1.7-3.5 Mp 

Author Biography

  • Kadhim J. Hammadi, Basra University
    Biology Dep.


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How to Cite

Physical and Mechanical Properties of Medium Density Fiberboard Made of Palm Fronds and Trunks. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(4).

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