The Combination of Plant Hole Size and Fertilizer Rates for Response of One Year Old Immature Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)


  • Toto Suryanto Citra Widya Education Oil Palm Polytechnic
  • Vira Irma Sari Citra Widya Education Oil Palm Polytechnic
  • Restu Artha Nugraha Citra Widya Education Oil Palm Polytechnic


plant hole size, standard fertilization, oil palm immature plant


Plant hole is providing optimal root condition for plant, so that the size of plant hole must be according to the development of rooting. Generally, the plant hole size that use in oil palm plantation is 60-60-60 cm (length x width x height), plant hole size could be accelerate harvest time. Fertilization for One Years old Immature Oil Palm (1 IOP) is important activity for supporting vegetative growth of plant. Fertilization is done by using the standard fertilization from oil palm companies or research centers. The combination of plant hole size and precise fertilization expected to optimize oil palm growth in one year old immature oil palm. The objectives of this research are to know the response of vegetative growth of one year old immature oil palm with the plant hole size application and fertilizer rates, and to obtain the precise plant hole size and fertilizer rates for one year old immature oil palm. The experiment was conducted from April 2015 to May 2016 at Politenik Kelapa Sawit Citra Widya Edukasi Teaching Farm, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. The treatment was arranged in a factorial randomized complete design with two replications. The first factor, the plant hole size, consisted of 60-60-60 cm and 80-60-60 cm. The second factor, the fertilizer standard, consisted of standard fertilizer (based on recommendation fertilizer), (+) 25% of standard fertilization, and (-) 25% standard fertilization. The measured variables were morphological response : plant height, leaves number, stem diameter, and leaf area, and for physiological response : the density of stomata, biomassa (wet and dry matter), and plant analysis. The results showed that application of various fertilizer rates significantly affect for stem diameter in 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 MAP, and for leaf number only at 1 MAP. The interaction of these two factors significantly affected to stem diameter in 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, and 12 MAP. Plant hole size and fertilizer treatment produce palm oil with large stem diameter and lower plant height, it is supported the needed of field plant that prefer low palm oil tree for easier harvesting process later. The best combination treatment for one year immature oil palm is 80-60-60 cm with standard fertilizer.


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How to Cite

The Combination of Plant Hole Size and Fertilizer Rates for Response of One Year Old Immature Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(5).

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