Analysis of Factors Associated with Occurrence of Anemia on Male Farmer using Pesticides, PPE in Brumbun Village, Maduran Sub-district Lamongan District


  • Qomariyatus Sholihah Lambung Mangkurat University


Pesticides, Farmer, PPE, anemia, Lamongan


Early detection of pesticide poisoning and anemia is to prevent the onset of chronic health problems and death. The incidence of pesticides poisoning in farmers affected by many factors both by environment and behavioral factors farmers themselves in every contact with the pesticide. Research objective is to identify factors associated anemia in male farmers who use pesticides in the Brumbun village Maduran District of Lamongan. Research method was an observational analytic cross-sectional observational approach. Population and sample are all male farmer pesticide applicators 144 people in the Brumbun village farmer groups Maduran District of Lamongan. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling method. Research results wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) while spraying on the incidence of anemia in 67.9% of the farmers wearing incomplete PPE, <5 types of PPE. The number of pesticides kind with the incidence of anemia was 56.6% using one kind of pesticide. Spraying duration with anemia of 79.2% categorized as good ≤ 3 hours / day spraying duration, anemia occurance is 60.4%. There is no significant relationship between the wearing of PPE in the occurrence of anemia among farmers with the p-value of 0.445. There is no significant relationship between number kinds of pesticides with anemia with a p-value of 0.270. There is no significant relationship between the spraying duration with anemia with a p-value of 0.665. Suggestions conducted periodic inspection by health center, counseling and training from the health department and the department of agriculture.


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How to Cite

Analysis of Factors Associated with Occurrence of Anemia on Male Farmer using Pesticides, PPE in Brumbun Village, Maduran Sub-district Lamongan District. (2014). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(6).

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