Nyale (Eunicidae)Flour Potential to Animal Trial Rattus Norvegicus Wistar Strainof Anemia


  • Yunan Jiwintarum Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health Mataram Jl. Prabu Rangkasari, Dasan Cermen, Cakranegara
  • Maruni Wiwin Diarti Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health Mataram Jl. Prabu Rangkasari,Dasan Cermen, Cakranegara (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
  • Awan Dramawan Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health Mataram Jl. Prabu Rangkasari, Dasan Cermen, Cakranegara
  • Lina Sundayani Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health Mataram Jl. Prabu Rangkasari, Dasan Cermen, Cakranegara
  • Ayu Anulus Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health Mataram Jl. Prabu Rangkasari, Dasan Cermen, Cakranegara


Nyale, marine worms, white rat, anemia


Background: The cause of anemia often occur due to deficiency of nutrients. Marine worms "Nyale" Eunicidae contains rich in nutrients that is potential in the prevention and control of anemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of flour marine worms "Nyale" from (Eunicidae) on levels of hemoglobin (Hb), red cell count, hematocrit value and the index of erythrocytes (MCV, MCH, MCHC) in rats (Rattus norvegicus) strain wistar who are anemic.Methods: using research laboratory experiment with a completely randomized design, used white mouse strain wistar as experimental animals with 5 treatments, negative control, positive control, provision of flour nyale 18 mg, 38 mg and 54 mg with a kind of observation hemoglobin levels, the number of erythrocytes, hematocrit value and erythrocyte indices MCV, MCH and MCHC.Result: indicates there is significant influence provision of flour "Nyale" on levels of hemoglobin, red cell count, hematocrit value, the index of erythrocyte MCV and MCHC in the blood of experimental animals anemic white rats and there is no effect of flour "Nyale" to the value of the index of erythrocyte MCH in the blood of white rats with anemia.Conclusion: flour nyale potential for the prevention of anemia in white rats.


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How to Cite

Nyale (Eunicidae)Flour Potential to Animal Trial Rattus Norvegicus Wistar Strainof Anemia. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/4107

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