Mitigation of Harmonics using Active Shunt Filter with PEMFC


  • K. Hemachandran Dr.M.G.R. Educational & Research Institute University, Chennai
  • B. Justus Rabi Shri Andal Alagar College of Engineering, Chennai
  • S. S. Darly Anna University, Thindivanam


Hysteresis current control loop, synchronous reference frame, shunt active filter


This report demonstrates the method of improving the power quality using a shunt active power filter with PEMFC. In this proposed topic comprises shunt active power filter with Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell, hysteresis current control loop, Synchronous reference frame, DC link capacitor. The trading signal generation for the filter is from hysteresis current controller techniques. With all these elements shunts active power filter reduce the total harmonic distortion. This report introduces the simulation and analysis of the using three phase three wire system active filters to compensate harmonics. The proposed shunt active filter model uses balanced non-linear load. This paper successfully lowers the THD within IEEE and IEC norms and satisfactorily works to compensate current harmonics.

Author Biographies

  • K. Hemachandran, Dr.M.G.R. Educational & Research Institute University, Chennai
    Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering / Assistant Professor
  • B. Justus Rabi, Shri Andal Alagar College of Engineering, Chennai
  • S. S. Darly, Anna University, Thindivanam
    Department of Electronics and Communication Engilneering / Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Mitigation of Harmonics using Active Shunt Filter with PEMFC. (2014). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(6).

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