Comparision and Extract Hypoglycemic Activity Root Extract Tablet Cats (Acalypha Indica Linn) Mice the White Male Strain Ddy


  • Ms. Junaedi Polytechnic, Department of Pharmacy. Indonesia
  • Ms. Yusmaniar
  • Sujati Woro Indijah


Acalyphaindica, hypoglycemic activity, Extract Tablet


The study concerning to the comparison of hypoglycemic activity of the extract and Acalypha indica Linn. Tablet in mice male ddy strain that has been conducted . The purpose of this study is to compare the hypoglycemic activity of the leaf, herb and root extract  and it’s tablets between pure extracts and extract tablets . Mice were divided into 8 groups, namely Normal Controls (KN), Glibenclamide (G) Leaf Extract (ED), Herbal Extract (EH), Root Extract (EA), Tablets Leaf Extract (TD), Herbal Extract Tablets (TH), and Tablet Root Extract (TA). Measurement of blood glucose level performed at 4 time points;  fasting blood sugar (T0), 30 minutes after the test material (T30), 30 min after glucose administration ( T30 pc) and 2 hours after glucose administration/post prandial (T120 pc). The results showed that the group of ED and EA, and TD and TH have hypoglycemic effects that differ significantly by group KN. EH and TA group had hypoglycemic effects that did not differ significantly by group KN. ED had significantly different hypoglycemic activity with EH and EA. There is no significant differences between the hypoglycemic activity of the tablets extract for all grups. Herb extract had significantly different  hypoglycemic activity with it’s tablets.

Author Biography

  • Ms. Junaedi, Polytechnic, Department of Pharmacy. Indonesia
    Departement Of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Comparision and Extract Hypoglycemic Activity Root Extract Tablet Cats (Acalypha Indica Linn) Mice the White Male Strain Ddy. (2014). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(5).

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