Antioxidant Activities of Ethyl acetate Extract and Hexane Extract of Lelak (Uvaria rufa Blume) Leaves


  • M. Hilaria Polytechnic of Health Kupang Polytechnic, Department of Pharmacy
  • Ms. Elisma Health Polytechnic of Kupang
  • Y. M. Dapa Department of Pharmacy, Health Polytechnic of Kupang
  • M. Teti Department of Pharmacy, Health Polytechnic of Kupang


Antioxidant, DPPH, Uvaria rufa, IC50


Uvaria rufa Blume is one of the main power plant that has natural antioxidants that are known to inhibit the scavenging free radicals.  The present study was to evaluate antioxidant  activity of ethyl acetate and hexane extracts of leaves of Uvaria rufa Blumes.  Measurement of antioxidant activity carried out using the DPPH method.  DPPH radical scavenging activity of Uvaria rufa Blume  of hexane extract and ethyl acetate extract tested showed lower activity than that of a standard compounds: ascorbic acid (IC 50 = 3.781 µg/ml ). Extracts of ethyl acetate has strong antioxidant activity which IC50 values was 57.89µg/ml respectively and  extracts of hexane  has weak antioxidant activity which IC50 values was  87,292 µg/ml respectively.




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How to Cite

Antioxidant Activities of Ethyl acetate Extract and Hexane Extract of Lelak (Uvaria rufa Blume) Leaves. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(4).

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