Bulb Moisture, Ash and Dry Matter Contents of Onion Provenances in Northern Bauchi, Nigeria


  • I. J. Dantata Institution


Bulb moisture, ash, dry matter, onion provenances, northern Bauchi, Nigeria


Onion (Allium cepaL.) bulb composition varies widely, both within and between varieties. One hundred and twenty physiologically matured bulbs of six provenances were randomly selected and evaluated for moisture, ash and dry matter contents by standard laboratory measurements. Mean separation was carried out using Duncan multiple range test (DMRT).Statistical analysis of data showed significantly high moisture in Fara and Hauke. The trend was further observed inHauke and Kano red as well as Kano red and Gindintasa. Significantly low moisture was recorded in Maikanmakwarwa and Doguwa onions. Ash was significantly high in Hauke, followed by Kano red, Gindintasa and Fara as well as Doguwa and Maikanmakwarwa. High and significant dry matter was obtained in Doguwa and Maikanmakwarwa respectively. Gindintasa and Kano red gave dry matter at par. The least dry matter content was recorded in Hauke and Fara. Therefore Doguwa provenance is recommended for Northern-Bauchi, because its bulb composition has low moisture, low ash and high dry matter.


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How to Cite

Bulb Moisture, Ash and Dry Matter Contents of Onion Provenances in Northern Bauchi, Nigeria. (2014). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(3). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/1170

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