Environmental Impact of Metals Leaching Generated from Long Term Coal Ash Disposal Placement of more than 10 Years Periods


  • Endang Sri Pujlestari Graduate School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia
  • Sumi Hudiyono Chemistry Department, FMIPA University of Indonesia
  • Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik Environmental Engineering Departement, FT University of Indonesia


Disposal, Fly ash, Bottom ash, Coal, Leaching Ratio, Soil, Metal


In this paper, we describes the impact of long-term coal ash disposal. Constraints of coal ash waste utilization are the main reason the wastes ended at ash disposal facility for long periods of time generated an environmental impact. The impact is observed based on comparison of several variables such as leaching ratio (LR) values of each environmental component. Leaching potential was completed by calculated LR values and the relationship between the variables through correlation analysis. The largest leaching potential are as follows impact source > waste > disposal > soil. Therefore order of pH as acidity level is reversed when compare to its leaching potential value (pH coal < pH fly ash < pH bottom ash < pH disposal and soil). Furthermore, highest leaching potential viewed as metal concentration are as follows: Sn > Pb > Cr > Mo > Cu > Zn > Li > Co> V > B > Ni > Cd.


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How to Cite

Environmental Impact of Metals Leaching Generated from Long Term Coal Ash Disposal Placement of more than 10 Years Periods. (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(6). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/5127

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