Technical Efficiency and Small Scale Maize Producers in Mwanza Region: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis


  • Mukole Kongolo Department of Economics, St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Mwanza, Tanzania



Maize, technical efficiency, small-scale producers, Mwanza Region, Tanzania.


This study measured technical efficiency and its determinants in maize production by small-scale producers in Mwanza region, using a stochastic frontier production function approach. A randomly selected sample of participants in the two districts was used. The Maximum Likelihood estimation procedure was followed to obtain the determinants of technical efficiency and technical efficiency levels of small-scale maize producers. The minimum and maximum values of technical efficiency were between 20% and 91%, indicating that the least practices of specific producer operates at a minimum level of 20%, while the best practice producers  operate  at 91% technical efficiency  level respectively. The summary results of the mean technical efficiency was 63%. The main determinants of technical efficiency were labour, farm size, producer’s experience, producer’s age, family size which were all positive and statistically significant. The findings suggest that the average efficiency of small-scale maize producers could be improved by 37% through better use of existing resources and technology. These findings highlight the need for action by government to assist small-scale maize producers improve efficiency.


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How to Cite

Technical Efficiency and Small Scale Maize Producers in Mwanza Region: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. (2021). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 9(3).

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