Participation of Female Farmers in Achieving Household Food Security


  • Hayati Zakaria Agriculture Faculty, Mataram University
  • Siti Amanah
  • Aida Vitayala S Hubeis
  • Prabowo Tjitropranoto


Female farmers, ability, participation, household food security


Female farmers in East Lombok are doing important works in household food security. Therefore, female farmers should have sufficient ability to be able to participate optimally to gain household food security and all family members could live healthy and active. The aims of this study were to analyze the ability level of female farmers, the participation level of female farmers and the status of household food security; and to analyze relationship between the ability level of female farmers and the participation level of female farmers, and the status of household food security. The number of respondent was 300 female farmers who have been selected randomly. The results of this study showed that female farmers do not have sufficient ability in household food security yet, the participation of female farmers has not been optimized in each stage and  the household food security status was generally insecure; there is a positive and very significant relationship between the ability level and the participation level of female farmers, and the status of household food security; there is a positive and significant relationship between the participation level of female farmers and the status of household food security. Partially, there is a positive and significant relationship between the stages of obtaining benefits and the household food and energy status.


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How to Cite

Participation of Female Farmers in Achieving Household Food Security. (2014). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2(6).

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