Cost Burden of Malaria: Evidence from Nigeria


  • Uche Abamba Osakede University of Ibadan
  • Akanni Olayinka Lawanson


Malaria, Cost Burden, Human capital Approach, Bottom up Approach


This paperprovides findings on cost burden of malaria in Nigeria. Cost computations were extrapolated to monthly income fraction and GDP lost to the illness. Results of the study are shown across different employment groups. Computations for indirect and direct costs were conducted using the Human capital and Bottom up approach respectively.

The results show that one in two persons employed in the labour force will experience loss in labour contribution as a result of malariawith indirect cost of about N 5,532.59($37.16) and N 4,828.73 ($32.43) per person per day for the patient and care giver, respectively. Individuals spend approximately N 2,730.46($18.34) on the average for treatment of one bout of the illness which translates to approximately3% of monthly income. Overall, indirect and direct costs related to one episode of malaria in Nigeria sum up to approximately N1, 906.08 billion ($12,801.07 million) implying about 8% of GDP. GDP fraction lost to malaria is higher for the informal sector particularly self-employment in agriculture.

Strategies to enhance welfare, labour contributions and economic output in Nigeria should focus on adequate measures to reduce malaria prevalence or complete eradication.


Author Biography

  • Uche Abamba Osakede, University of Ibadan
    An economist with specialty in health economics.


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How to Cite

Cost Burden of Malaria: Evidence from Nigeria. (2016). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 4(4).

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