Computer Self-Efficacy and Facilitating Conditions as Correlates of Behavioural Intention to Use Electronic Information Resources by Master of Business Administration Students in Federal Universities in Nigeria


  • Bamidele Olawale Ekiti state university, Nigeria
  • S. O. Popoola University of Ibadan, Nigeria



Computer self-efficacy, facilitating conditions, behavioural intention, electronic information resources, MBA students, Nigeria universities


The focus of this research work was to investigate computer self-efficacy and facilitating conditions as correlates of behavioural intention to use electronic information resources by MBA students in Nigeria federal universities.  Cluster sampling technique was adopted for the study and systematic sampling technique was used to select 60% of the total population of the MBA students across the ten federal universities offering the programme based on probability and proportionate size. Data were collected using questionnaire designed to elicit response from respondents and analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis using Partial Lease Square Method (PLSEM), Mean, Standard Deviation and Percentages. However, out of one thousand two hundred and seventy (1,270) copies of questionnaire administered to the respondents, one thousand and fifteen copies (1,015) were returned which represents 79.9% response rate for the study.  Findings revealed that the level computer self-efficacy and facilitating conditions of MBA students towards use of electronic information resources in Nigeria federal universities was high. However, the study concluded that university managements and librarians should ensure rapid adoption and diffusion of ICTs and be proactive by developing relevant ICT policies and strategies toward effective and sustainable electronic information resources development in Nigerian universities, as well as promoting the use of relevant electronic information resources by MBA students to improve their quality of research and global competitiveness.


Author Biography

  • Bamidele Olawale, Ekiti state university, Nigeria

    Bamidele Olawale

    Senior Librarian

    University Library Ekiti State University, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Computer Self-Efficacy and Facilitating Conditions as Correlates of Behavioural Intention to Use Electronic Information Resources by Master of Business Administration Students in Federal Universities in Nigeria . (2021). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 9(2).

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