A Data Exchange Interoperability Framework for eHealth Applications in Ethiopia


  • Wondwosen Shiferaw Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health
  • Mengistu Kifle Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health
  • Senanu Okuboyejo Covenant University
  • Victor Mbarika ICITD, Southern University and A&M


Interoperabilty, eHealth, Ethiopia, framework


Interoperability between applications is important and creates a bridge between and facilitates data exchange between eHealth applications. In this study, we assess the existing Laboratory Information Systems (LIS) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for data exchange interoperability in Ethiopia with the view to proposing and developing a data exchange interoperability framework. We applied a qualitative research method to explore the status of e-Health applications (LIS and EMR) based on functional test done. Using a constructive method, a data exchange interoperability framework on eHealth applications was designed. NVivo-10 software was used for coding the interview and data analysis. The framework is tested by the developers and decision makers. The proposed and designed framework is encouraging for future change.


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How to Cite

A Data Exchange Interoperability Framework for eHealth Applications in Ethiopia. (2018). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 6(2). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJCIS/article/view/5282

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