Different Approaches of Soft Computing Techniques (Inference System) which are used in Clinical Decision Support System for Risk based Prioritization


  • Faiyaz Ahmad Assistant Professor Integral University, Lucknow
  • Manuj Darbari
  • Rishi Asthana


CDSS, Information System, Health care Environment, Soft Computing


This paper briefly introduces soft computing techniques and present miscellaneous application in clinical decision support system  domine. study detects which methodology or methodologies of soft computing are frequently used together to solve the specific problems of  risk based prioritization for decease severity.  With the fulfillment of these work makes several major contribution of the current knowledge of mechanism of different intelligent system such as Fuzzy Logic, ANN and Artificial Neuro Fuzzy for correct diagnosis .


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How to Cite

Different Approaches of Soft Computing Techniques (Inference System) which are used in Clinical Decision Support System for Risk based Prioritization. (2015). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 3(1). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJCIS/article/view/2264

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