The Role of Trust and Team Culture in Knowledge Sharing and OCBs among Government Officials


  • Thi-Thanh-Thuy Nguyen Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
  • Thi-Thanh-Hien Phan Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
  • Thuy-Ai-Phuong Tran Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam



trust, team culture, knowledge sharing, OCBs


To date, numerous empirical studies have been confirmed the key roles of knowledge sharing and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) toward organizational performance. Thus, this study attempts to investigate determinants of knowledge sharing, and OCBs in government officials, which can improve organizational performance based on voluntary behaviors. Given this purpose of the study, the data collected from a sample of 250 government officials from An Nhon village, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam. This research adopts a cross-sectional study design and utilizes partial least square – structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique through Smart-PLS software. The findings indicate that trust and team culture are determinants that positively and directly influences knowledge sharing and OCBs. This research contributes to the knowledge sharing and OCBs literature, and provides practical implications for public sectors. Managers should generate practices that help organizations enhance trust and team culture among officials, which lead to higher knowledge sharing and OCBs.


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How to Cite

The Role of Trust and Team Culture in Knowledge Sharing and OCBs among Government Officials. (2021). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 9(5).

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