Analysis of Teamwork, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Performance: A Study of Health Sector in Turkey
Team working, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Performance, Health SectorAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the effects of teamwork and organizational commitment on organizational performance in the health sector. This study sought to investigate specifically, the mechanism through which teamwork and organizational commitment influence employee’s performance to their job schedules as well as to the organization. In the context of the study, the introduced model was tested by a questionnaire instrument with 27 items excluding the demographic variables. The study focused on the employees of public and private hospitals in Diyarbakir. The results suggest that there is a positive linear relationship between team work, organizational commitment and organizational performance variables. The findings of the study demonstrate that the employees of private hospitals have higher teamwork, organizational commitment and performance scores than public hospital employees. Also, some disparities were observed according to the demographic variables of the study.
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