Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoffs in Metaheuristics: A Review
A metaheuristic algorithm is an algorithmic framework at a high level, independent of problems, which offers a set of recommendations or strategies to develop heuristic optimization algorithms.
Evolutionary computation and other metaheuristics have long been focused on the trade-off between exploration and exploitation. This subject is present in a wide range of domains, including modeling and prediction, search and optimization, machine learning and cognition, and many more situations where uncertainty is present. The trade-off between exploration and exploitation is crucial for all optimization techniques. Efficient optimization and lower computing costs can be achieved by striking a fair balance between both.
The paper introduces a study that discusses metaheuristic algorithms and previous studies in three areas: 1) What elements of metaheuristic facilitate exploration and exploitation; 2) When and how exploration control is applied. 3) how to find a balance between the two.
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