Optimization Rate of Organic and NPK Compound Fertilizers on Second Year Immature Oil Palm


  • Adinda N. H. Manurung Bogor agricultural University
  • Sudradjat, Hariyadi


cow manure, nutrient level, vegetative growth


Oil palm is a potential vegetable oil producer and its productivity needs to increase. This experiment aimed to determine the optimum rate of organic and NPK compound fertilizer on second year immature oil palm. Morphological and physiological observation yearly found the optimization rate. Organic fertilizer did not affect plant height, trunk girth, leaf area, NAR, chlorophyll, and N, P, K leaf content significantly. NPK fertilizer affected plant height, trunk girth, leaf area, NAR, chlorophyll, and N, P, K leaf content significantly.  The optimization rate for second year immature palm oil is 3.52 kg NPK compound fertilizer plant-1 year-1 and optimization rate for organic fertilizer could not be determined in this experiment.


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How to Cite

Optimization Rate of Organic and NPK Compound Fertilizers on Second Year Immature Oil Palm. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(3). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/2643

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