The Response of Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) on the Applying of Fish Flour Fertilizer


  • Idwar Department of Agrocehnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Riau, Indonesia
  • Isna Rahma Dini Department of Agrocehnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Riau, Indonesia
  • Hariyanti Department of Agrocehnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Riau, Indonesia



Fish flour, Brassica juncea L., residual effect


The desired vegetable products are vegetables which are of good quality, healthy and safe for consumed, so that it needs to be done sustainable. Sustainable agriculture can only be achieved with sustainable soil productivity by maintaining soil organic matter content. The provision of organic fish meal as an alternative is more guaranteed for mustard. The aim of this study was to determine the response of mustard on the application of fish flour fertilizer and gain the best treatment in increasing the growth and production of mustard and to observe the effect of the remaining fish flour at the first planting. This research was carried out in the Experimental Garden of the Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Riau. This study was carried out experimentally by using a completely randomized design consisting of 9 treatments, namely T0 (without fish meal fertilizer), T1 (0.5 g per plant), T2 (1.0 g per plant), T3 (1.5 g per plant), T4 (2.0 g per plant), T5 (2.5 g per plant), T6 (3.0 g per plant), T7 (3.5 g per plant) and T8 (4.0 g per plant). The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh weight of plants and fresh weight of plants suitable for consumption. The Applying of 4.0 g fish flour per plant showed the best results for all parameters. The residual effect of giving fish flour is not sufficiently available for growth and the production of mustard in the second planting looks lower compared to the first planting.


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How to Cite

The Response of Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) on the Applying of Fish Flour Fertilizer . (2021). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(4).

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