Test of Antidiarrheal Effect of Pomegranate (<i>Punica granatum</i> L) Leaf Infusion to the Mature Male White Mice (<i>Rattus norvegicus</i>) which Induced by Oleum Ricini


  • Ni Nyoman Yuliani Ni Nyoman Yuliani Department of Pharmaceutical, Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Kupang
  • Jefrin Sambara
  • Sri Mega


Antidiarrheal, Pomegranate (punica granatum L) Leaf Infusion, White Mice


Pomegranate (punica grantum L) leaf has been used in traditional medication which potential to cure diarrhea, because it contains of tannin compound. However, the application is only based on empirical experience. This research aims to know antidiarrheal effect and the most effective concentration from pomegranate leaf infusion which affected as antidiarrheal. This research type was experimental research by using 15 mice as research subject which divided in 5 test group, group which given by pomegranate leaf infusion with concentration 12%w/v, 24%w/v, 36%w/v. Positive control group which given by suspension of Loperamide HCl and negative control given by distilled water. The solutions and induction were given by per oral. After the treatment, it was conducted by observation and also records effect which occurred to each mice using many test parameters such as diarrhea frequency, feces consistency, and diarrhea duration. To analyze research result, it was used by ANAVA test and continued by using SNK test. The research result showed that from three concentrations (12%w/v, 24%w/v, 36%w/v) of pomegranate (punicagranatum L) leaf infusion which tested to the white mice, it could be concluded that in the concentration 36%w/v showed the most effective effect due to it was equal with loperamide HCl.


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How to Cite

Yuliani, N. N., Sambara, J., & Mega, S. (2016). Test of Antidiarrheal Effect of Pomegranate (<i>Punica granatum</i> L) Leaf Infusion to the Mature Male White Mice (<i>Rattus norvegicus</i>) which Induced by Oleum Ricini. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(2). Retrieved from https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/3738


