Characteristics, Floristic Diversity and Structures of Stands Resulting from Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) in the Agroecozone of Tibiri in Niger


  • Younoussou Rabo Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Diffa, Diffa, Niger
  • Daouda Djadi Salifou Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Diffa, Diffa, Niger
  • Salamou Mahamane Tassiou Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Diffa, Diffa, Niger
  • Ali Mahamane Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Diffa, Diffa, Niger Garba Mounkaila Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niamey, Niger



Keywords: RNA, woody diversity, structure, Tibiri.


The present study was carried out in the municipality of Tibiri where assisted natural regeneration is the method adapted by agriculture to maintain trees for various reasons. The general objective of this study is to characterize the floristic diversity and the structure of the woody stand resulting from assisted natural regeneration. The methodology adopted for this study consisted of inventories of woody species and regenerations in crop fields by placing plots of 50m x 50m during the crop season. Thus twenty (20) plots were placed in the agrosystems according to homogeneity following an equidistance of 300m. The floristic survey made it possible to identify 19 species divided into 9 families of which the most represented are the Fabaceae (72%). The most represented species are P. reticulatum (30%), F. albida (17%) and P. africana (14%). These species also have the highest IVI values. The distribution of individuals by diameter class shows an "inverted J" shape with the shape parameter c = 1.959 (1 <C <3.6), characteristic of populations with a predominance of young or small diameter individuals. The total regeneration density is 2648 stems / ha, grouped into eleven (11) species showing good regeneration and dominated by G. senegalensis representing 61.93% of the density of the inventoried species followed by P. reticulatum (14 , 80%).

ANR is a practice that contributes to improving the woody biodiversity of the fields where it is practiced. It is not only an alternative to greening the environment, but also provides several products and services to populations.


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How to Cite

Characteristics, Floristic Diversity and Structures of Stands Resulting from Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) in the Agroecozone of Tibiri in Niger. (2021). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2).

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