Production of a Protein Concentrate Based on Maggots of Domestic Flies for the Feeding of Non-ruminant Animals (Burkina Faso)


  • Timbilfou Kiendrebeogo Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA), Burkina Faso
  • Isidor Zangbéwindin Ouédraogo Université Nazi Boni, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
  • Drissa Barry
  • Chantal Yvette Kaboré-Zoungrana Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Ressources Naturelles et les Sciences de l’Environnement (LERNSE), Université Nazi



Maggot concentrate, Production process, Nutritional values, Production cost, Burkina Faso.


The objective of the study was to develop a process for the production of a protein concentrate based on maggots (MC) of domestic fly larvae that can be used in the diet of non- ruminants’ animals as pigs and poultry. Maggots were first produced from 3 substrates called S1, S2 and S3. They were then harvested and separated from the substrates using a mesh screen box. Live maggots then incorporated at a rate of 79.15% by weight in a preconcentrate (20.85%) composed by 64.80% of cotton cake and 35.20% of wheat bran. The resulting MC was then heated in a pan for 5-10 minutes to neutralize the maggots and dried for 24 hours. The results show that the productivity of the S3 substrate (4.91g of maggots / 100g of substrate) was significantly lower than the substrates S1 (6.60g / 100g) and S2 (5.35g / 100g) (p <0.05). The DM content of the MC was 92.56%. Its nutritional values were 37.69% CP, 5.12% FAT and 11.04% CB. The estimated value in digestible energy was 2238 kcal / kg DM. The production cost of 01kgDM of MC of 160FCFA was lower than 240FCFA of the selling price of fishmeal and soya cake (400FCFA) in the local market. MC is an alternative to make low cost protein sources more available. Further studies would evaluate the essential amino acid content of the concentrate and the effectiveness of diets incorporating it into poultry and pigs’ production.



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How to Cite

Production of a Protein Concentrate Based on Maggots of Domestic Flies for the Feeding of Non-ruminant Animals (Burkina Faso). (2019). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(5).

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