Comparative Studies of the Nutritional Value of Digitaria Iburua and Digitaria Exilis Seed Oils


  • Zakari Ladan Department of Chemistry, Kaduna State University, Tafawa-Balewa Way, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
  • L Oguogho Department of Chemistry, Kaduna State University, Kaduna,
  • I. N. Akos The Federal Polytechnic, Kaura- Namoda, Zamfara State,
  • B. B. Ayiya B.B Department of Chemistry, University of Auckland, Auckland 1142,
  • Y. Yakubu Department of Chemistry, Kaduna State University, Kaduna



Key words, Digitaria iburua, Digitaria exillis, fatty acid methyl ester, GC-MS, Physicochemical properties


The oil content of brown and white acha seeds was extracted and characterized using the AOAC procedure. Consumption of these grains by people with health-related diseases necessitated this study to authenticate its nutritional values. The physicochemical characterization revealed the two oils to have low oil yields of high quality. Biochemical profiling of the seeds showed that both oils have high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and E and other minor constituents. These results indicate that brown and white acha seeds are excellent sources of healthy nutrients to humans.


Author Biography

  • Zakari Ladan, Department of Chemistry, Kaduna State University, Tafawa-Balewa Way, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
    I am a lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, Kaduna State University, Kaduna, Nigeria. I am a Senior lecturer and my area of interest is Organic chemistry.


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How to Cite

Comparative Studies of the Nutritional Value of Digitaria Iburua and Digitaria Exilis Seed Oils. (2018). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(4).

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