Change in Iodine Contents during Ripening of two Capsicum annuum L. Cultivars Fruits at Brazzaville, CONGO


  • I.Bafi Malonga
  • A. Emmanuel Issali CNRA (Centre National de Recherche Agronomique)
  • J. Mpika
  • P. Attibayeba



goiter, mental deficiency, congenital malformations, completely randomised design, groundness, sowing, fruit set


To identity iodine, assessits concentration and analyse the variation of this concentration following the ripeness stages, its titrating from Capsicum annuum L. dried fruit extract by sodium thiosulfate and starch solution test were achieved. Small and big Capsicum annuum cultivars were planted according to completely randomised design onto eight rows with eight seedlings whose four was useful. One-factor Anova incorporating the means comparison according to Student-Newman-Keuls’ test at 5% level was applied. Likewise, Pearson’s linear correlation at 1‰00 probability was used. Results shown that small and big Capsicum annuum L. cultivars contained iodine. People should consum Capsicum annuum L. fruits to avoid goiter. Other animal and plant foods also contain iodine. Iodine concentration discriminated the fruit ripeness stages in small Capsicum annuum L. cultivar. At the pre-ripeness stage (PMG), iodine concentration was higher than the ripe one (MG). Consequently, the consumption of its fruits is recommended at pre-ripeness stage to optimise the ingesting of iodine. In the same way, iodine concentration of small Capsicum annuum L. cultivar at pre-ripeness stage was significantly higher than the big one. At such phenological stage it will be advised people to eat small Capsicum annuum L. fruit than the big one when fruit changes. Duration of "sowing-flowering", "sowing-fruit set" and "sowing-fructification" in small Capsicum annuum L. cultivar was shorter than in the big one. Such shorter duration of small Capsicum annuum L. will allow the early obtention of its fruits than those from the big one and thus, their early selling.  

Author Biography

  • A. Emmanuel Issali, CNRA (Centre National de Recherche Agronomique)
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How to Cite

Change in Iodine Contents during Ripening of two Capsicum annuum L. Cultivars Fruits at Brazzaville, CONGO. (2020). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(1).

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