User Model Ontology in Personalized Search Application for Social Web


  • Maha Maalej University of Sfax
  • Achraf Mtibaa University of Sfax
  • Faiez Gargouri University of Sfax


Ontology, Personalization, User model, Social network, Context, Handicraft domain, Profile


Personalized search systems and precisely ontology-based ones are increasing nowadays in order to offer personalized search results to users according to their contexts and profiles. In fact, when ontologies are used in these systems, they permit to model knowledge in an understandable manner by human and machine. Social web and especially social network sites permit to people to connect and search for information and for persons. In order to model concepts for the social network, we use concepts from the FOAF ontology. In this paper, we create an ontology for user model in social web and handicraft domain. Then, we integrate it in our personalized search application. We enrich our ontology with SWRL rules and concepts from FOAF ontology. SWRL rules have the power to infer explicit knowledge from implicit one. We apply rules in order to classify handicraft women and to give recommendation according to context and profile of handicraft woman. We give main modules related to our prototype with evaluation and discussion.


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How to Cite

User Model Ontology in Personalized Search Application for Social Web. (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(5).

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