Regions of Trust to Technological Know-how Structured for Banking Customers


  • Solomon Oluyinka University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 8640, Parit Raja, batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
  • Alin Shamsuddin
  • Eta Wahab


Trust, Internet Banking, Structured equation modeling, Customers, IDT, TPB


This research seeks to consider the invented constructs associated with technological influence approach as well as impact of trust in acknowledging innovation mostly in the scenario involving business banking by way of internet. This research incorporated facets of trust directly into innovation diffusion along with planned behavior concepts (Trust-IDT-TPB). The existing research applied questionnaire research to gather data and also the structural equation modeling technique was utilized to evaluate the assumed model. Conclusion from the study indicated impact of structural assurance, integrity, and disposition to trust and positive predictability of the technology to banking via internet. Also, indicated most influential precursors one of the selected from diffusion and planned behavior theory within the context Nigeria banking customers to embrace the technology. The model led to banks methods to enlarge their market and turning prospective customers to actual. Also, led towards the validity of Innovation diffusion and planned behavior ideas to describe technology acceptance social science studies.

Author Biography

  • Solomon Oluyinka, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 8640, Parit Raja, batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia

    PhD student Technology management

    Universisty Tun Hussein Malaysia


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How to Cite

Regions of Trust to Technological Know-how Structured for Banking Customers. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(4).

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