An Interventional Study on Change in the Knowledge of High School Students Regarding Ill Effects of Tobacco Use


  • Mangala Subramanian
  • Chaitali Ashutosh Gore Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bangalore.


Tobacco ill effects, educational intervention


A before and after intervention study was conducted on 9th and 10th standard students regarding tobacco use and its ill effects. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of 194 students regarding tobacco use and harmful effects. Health education was given in the form of a role play and power point presentation. Change in knowledge was assessed immediately and 5 months post intervention. Statistical Analysis was done based on percentages and proportions, immediately after the educational intervention and after 5 months. There was a significant improvement in the knowledge of the students regarding the different products that contain tobacco, harmful substances, diseases associated with tobacco use, passive smoking risks, harmful effects of active smoking and passive smoking on foetus during pregnancy, economics of smoking and addiction to tobacco. This shows that health education is an effective form of primordial prevention of this noxious habit.

Author Biography

  • Chaitali Ashutosh Gore, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bangalore.
    Community Medicine, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

An Interventional Study on Change in the Knowledge of High School Students Regarding Ill Effects of Tobacco Use. (2013). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 1(4).

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