Lung Cancer Risk Due to Radon in Different Brand Cigarette Tobacco in Iraqi Market


  • Abdalsattar Kareem Hashim
  • Fadhil Khaddam Fuliful Physics Department, College of Science,


Radon, tobacco, effective dose, lung cancer, CR-39, nuclear track detectors.


Sealed can technique using CR-39 plastic track detector strippable has been used in order to measure radon concentrations to calculate the annual effective dose and lung cancer cases per year per million person for twenty different brand tobacco cigarette were collected from Iraqi market. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer, following tobacco smoke. Radon is not only an independent risk factor; it also increases the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

It has been observed that tobacco smoking increases the risks of radon-induced lung cancer. Radon and cigarette smoking have synergistic, multiplicative effect on lung cancer rates. People who inhale tobacco smoke are exposed to higher concentrations of radioactivity. Ever since studies on the relation of smoking to cancer, particularly the lung cancer has been established, there had been a great interest in studies concerned with the monitoring of the alpha radioactivity in tobacco. The results showed that the 222Rn concentrations in cigarette tobacco samples ranged from (156.450  to 403.087)   Bq/m3 with an average 284.751  Bq/m3, while the radon induced lung cancer risks was found to vary from 71.047  to 183.049  with an av­erage value of 129.3107   per million person, and standard deviation 83.529 and 37.932, respectively. Excellent correlation has been observed between radon concentration and lung cancer cases per year per million person  for different brand tobacco cigarettes.

Author Biography

  • Fadhil Khaddam Fuliful, Physics Department, College of Science,
    Physics scince ,plasma physics


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How to Cite

Lung Cancer Risk Due to Radon in Different Brand Cigarette Tobacco in Iraqi Market. (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(3).

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