Participatory Institutional Approach through the Supervision of the Movement of a Million Volunteers Election (GSRPP)


  • Gunawan Suswantoro Padjadjaran University Indonesia


Supervisory particivipative, Political Participation, Election Supervision


This paper aims to analyze the of state institutions collaboration General Elections Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia with various civil society groups in the 2014 General Election in Indonesia. This research using qualitative methods through in-depth interviews in 25 key informants from the various agencies involved and supported by secondary data from Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) Republic of Indonesia. The results showed that the collaboration of state agencies Elections Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia with various civil society groups gave birth to consciousness in the form of participatory supervisory GSRPP (Movement One Million Volunteer Election Supervisory). GSRPP reveal the existence of the occurrence of a variety of fraud and violations of the legislative and presidential elections in 2014 in Indonesia. GSRPP expected presence will minimize the occurrence of fraud and violations of democracy in the next elections in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Participatory Institutional Approach through the Supervision of the Movement of a Million Volunteers Election (GSRPP). (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(5).

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