Functional Analysis of Moringa oleifera Lam. Agroforestry Systems in the Valleys of the Niger River and Goulbi of Maradi (Niger)


  • Rabo Younoussou Dan Dicko Dankoulodo, University of Maradi, P.O Box 465 Maradi, Niger; 2University of Diffa, P.O Box 78 Diffa
  • Lawali Sitou Dan Dicko Dankoulodo, University of Maradi, P.O Box 465 Maradi, Niger; 2University of Diffa, P.O Box 78 Diffa
  • Morou Boubé Dan Dicko Dankoulodo, University of Maradi, P.O Box 465 Maradi, Niger; 2University of Diffa, P.O Box 78 Diffa
  • Mahamane Ali University of Diffa, P.O Box 78 Diffa,


Functional analysis, agroforestry systems, M. oleifera, Vegetable crops.


The study was conducted in Niger in the valleys of the Niger River and Goulbi of Maradi. On these sites operators combine the vegetable cropsand M. oleifera forming true agroforestry systems with M. oleifera. The operation of these systems has never been a comprehensive study even though these systems provide most of the farmers’ subsistence on these sites. Thus, this study aims to analyze agroforestry systems with M. oleifera of the NigerRiver valley and Goulbi of Maradi. The analysis concerned the management and productivity of these systems. A monitoring form was developed and introduced in the near operators. This regularly informed and allowed us to identify the vegetable crops associated with M. oleifera on each site. Thus, eight (8) vegetable crops were identified as associated with M. oleifera in the NigerRiver valley and five (5) in the Goulbi of Maradi. The study took into account only the fixed and extrinsic factors to the family and thereby outputs considered for these systems are fertilizer, fuel, seed and pesticides. Using these factors is done without respect scientific recommendations as operators are not trained or supervised. The inputs of these systems, both in the NigerRiver valleythan in the Goulbi of Maradi are the fresh leaves of Moringa oleifera and vegetable crops products that are associated with it. Indeed, the study showed that the systems that create most value are those that include cucumber, sorrel and eggplant in the Niger River valley and onion in Goulbi of Maradi. The average net income generated by agroforestry systems with M. oleifera are 3586314 ± 10544665FCFA / ha and 1357004 ± 1963429 FCFA / ha respectively in the Niger River valley and Goulbi of Maradi although these means are not statistically different (p = 0, 31).

These results show the important role that these systems can play in securing and improving the living standards of farmers of sites and that they should be accompanied from production to marketing the products of these systems.



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How to Cite

Functional Analysis of Moringa oleifera Lam. Agroforestry Systems in the Valleys of the Niger River and Goulbi of Maradi (Niger). (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(4).

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