Strengthening of Tapered Beam using CFRP


  • Sayed Ahmad Fauzan Bogor Agricultural University
  • Erizal, Asep Sapei


building, earthquake, tapered beam, strengthening


Tapered beam is a type of prismatic beam that has different dimension at the end of the beam and the mid-span. End of tapered beam has a larger dimension than the middle span. Tapered beams serve as Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame System (SRPMM) in reinforced concrete building that is one of the structural methods to resist forces caused by the earthquake load for intermediate seismic risk category. The purpose of this research was to improve the nominal shear strength of existing tapered beam in the X building using CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer). The X Building is an office building that has 14 floors and tapered beams as moment resisting frame system. Tapered beams located on the 3rd floor and serves to support transfer columns that support 9 floors above. Tapered beams structure in X Building has dimensions of 120x210-180 cm. Tapered beam’s structural strength must be considered, especially the shear force prediction from seismic loads threats that might come. The building structure modeling was designed and analyzed using ETABS program. Given design seismic loading is in the form of spectrum response of dynamic seismic load procedure. Structural analysis results shows the maximum shear force factored value on the tapered beam is greater than the value of nominal shear strength. Recommended strengthening is the installation of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) layers. Analysis of tapered beam structure strengthening used ACI 440.2R-08 method.

Author Biography

  • Sayed Ahmad Fauzan, Bogor Agricultural University
    Civil and Environmental Engineering


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How to Cite

Strengthening of Tapered Beam using CFRP. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(6).

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