Isolation and Identification of Desulfovibrio sp. Bacteria from Acid Sulfate Soil


  • Nur Anny Suryaningsih Taufieq
  • Sahibin Abdul Rahim
  • Habibah Jamil, Huyyirnah
  • Amal Arfan


Acid sulfate soils, Desulfovibrio, isolation, pour plate method, SRB


The purpose of this research is to acquire sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) is used for bioremediation of acid sulfate soils. The method used in this isolation is pour plate method in the medium Desulfovibrio Medium with Lactate under anaero­bic conditions. This method consists of dilution stage with physiological saline solution (NaCl 0.9 percent) sterile, inoculation stage in the liquid agar media, testing growth of bacteria isolates on medium Bismuth Sulfite Agar (BSA) with scratches methods, Gram stain test, H2S test and sequencing DNA. Results of the test isolates growth in medium Bismuth Sulfite Agar (BSA) showed bacterial isolates produced have breed well. Gram stain results SRB bacteria isolates showed red cells (Gram-negative) and rod shaped bacillus. H2S test results at Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSIA) media showed positive results (the formation of H2S). The amplified DNA using the 16S rRNA primers in PCR showed a band of 1324 bp. The analysis of 16S rRNA sequences using BLASTN program shows that bacteria produced has 84% sequence similarity with Desulfovibrio sp..



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How to Cite

Isolation and Identification of Desulfovibrio sp. Bacteria from Acid Sulfate Soil. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5).

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