Impact of the Sanitation Regime on Production Safety of Paff Pastry in the Food Processing Plant


  • Katarína Veszelits Lakticova Department of the Environment, Veterinary Legislation and Economy, University of Veteriny Medicine and Pharmacy Košice, Slovakia
  • Mária Vargova Department of the Environment, Veterinary Legislation and Economy, University of Veteriny Medicine and Pharmacy Košice, Slovakia
  • František Zigo Department of Nutrition and Animal Husbandry, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Košice, Slovakia



Sanitation Regime, Disnfection, Aspiral Persteril 15, Paff Pastry, Microbiological Swabs


Food is essential for a person's life, it is a source of energy and substances that enable the activity of all his organs. However, food is also a biological substance, which itself is subject to certain changes, sometimes targeted in their production or cooking, sometimes undesirable changes due to the activity of certain food components or the action of microorganisms.The primary role of each food processing plant should be to ensure daily proper cleaning and sanitation, thus ensuring perfect hygiene of the premises in operation due to the prevention of foodborne diseases. Based on the results obtained in our study, we can concluce that the sanitation regime in the evaluated premises of paff pastry production is at a good level and the disinfection in the production of puff pastry is effective. Aspiral Persteril 15 disinfectant at 0.4 % concentration and time exposure of 30 minutes was effective on all evaluated surfaces in individual monitored parts of production with the exception of puff pastry production part, where we recorded on technology, specifically on slicing knife 35 CFU (colony forming units) of total count of bacteria and 3 CFU of coliform bacteria after disinfection. The situation did not improve even until the begining of production, the total count of bacteria increase to 45 CFU and coliform bacteria to 4 CFU.


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How to Cite

Impact of the Sanitation Regime on Production Safety of Paff Pastry in the Food Processing Plant . (2021). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 9(6).

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