Assessment of the Hygiene Level in the Dairy Processing Plant


  • Katarína Veszelits Laktičová University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Košice, Slovakia
  • Mária Vargová University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Košice, Slovakia
  • Naďa Sasáková University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Košice, Slovakia
  • František Zigo University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Košice, Slovakia



Hygiene, Dairy, Disinfection, Disinfectant, Microorganisms, Employees


Hygiene and sanitation has decisive position in dairy industry, because their level greatly affects food quality and safety. The food industry in the territory of the Slovak Republic applies the HACCP system, which is mandatory for all producers and persons who handle food or place food on the market. HACCP is generally an organizational system that ensures the production of health-friendly food through the analysis and subsequent control of chemical, biological and physical hazards that are able to endanger the health safety of food throughout the production process. In addition, requirements for cleaning and disinfection of the plant are an important part of it Milk, as the main raw material in the dairy plant in the production of drinking milk and dairy products, is an excellent substrate for the growth and multiplication of a wide range of microorganisms. Multiplied microorganisms often cause food contamination and the development of foodborne illness in the consumer. The effectiveness of disinfection affects not only the resistance of microorganisms but also the choice and method of use of disinfectant as well as the external environment in which the disinfection process takes place. The correct choice of disinfectant application play a key role in achieving the desired goal. In this work we focused on the hygienic level and efficiency of sanitation, using microbiological swabs taken from various surfaces and technological equipment in the monitored parts of the dairy operation and personal hygiene in selected employees. We also used the fingerprint method to monitor the level of personal hygiene, which is an important element in the production of safe food. The results obtained indicate a satisfactory level of hygiene in the various stages of production, sufficiently efficient sanitation of premises and technological equipment, with the exception of the working table in section of cottage cheese production, where we detected 40 CFU of total count of microorganisms and 2 CFU of coliform bacteria. The assessment of the personal hygiene of the employees' hands in dairy processing plant was satisfactory, except for one employee who was working in section of cottage cheese production. On his right hand we detected 50 CFU of total count of microorganisms and 1 CFU of coliform bacteria after disinfection. In case non-respect of hygienic principles of surfaces in production sections, and of employee´s hands in dairy processing plant, food contamination can occur and consequently endanger the health of the consumer.


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How to Cite

Assessment of the Hygiene Level in the Dairy Processing Plant. (2020). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 8(6).

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