Quantitative Analysis of Greenhouse Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.) Growing


  • Harun Özer
  • Mehtap Özbakır Özer
  • Ahmet Balkaya




Kohlrabi cultivars, sowing time, growth, mulch


This study were carried out to of different sowing time in order to determine the effects on plant growth of kohlrabi cultivation under Samsun condaitions during the autumn growing periods in unheated greenhouse. Four different seed sowing times (1st September, 15th September 1st October, 15th October), two different kohlrabi cultivars (Kolibri F1 and Korist F1) and two mulch applications (mulch covered and uncovered) were used in this study.

The plant growth parameters analyzed (total plant dry weight, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, net assimilation rate and relative growth rate) were found statistically significant (p<0.05). The highest total plant dry weight (114.1 g) was obtained from mulch application and 1st September seed sowing time. The highest leaf area ratio value were obtained in both mulch application the Kolibri F1 variety grown on October 15th. The highest net assimilation rate (0.65 g cm-2 day-1*1000) and relative growth rate (0.0090 g g day-1) were obtained from mulch covered plants grown in Kolibri varieties during September 1st. As a result, in this study higher dry matter accumulation was achieved by 1st September seed sowing times in vegetable growing in the last season in the greenhouse. In this way, the plants have successfully grown up and increased their productivity by entering the winter months, when the temperature and light intensity are decreasing.


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How to Cite

Quantitative Analysis of Greenhouse Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.) Growing. (2017). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajafs.v5i2.4710

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